Botanicare Clearex 2.5 Gallon
Mix 2 tsp (5ml) of Clearex per gallon of water. Use Clearex with pure water only. Mix well and adjust pH.
Between nutrient changes: Drain all existing nutrient solution. Add only Clearex and fresh water and allow to re-circulate in your system for approximately two hours. Drain completely and refill reservoir with fresh nutrient solution.
Pre-harvest: Drain all existing nutrient solution. Refill reservoir with Clearex and fresh water only. Begin running this solution during the last 3 – 7 days before harvest during the ripening phase.
For container gardens:
Between nutrient changes: Drench thoroughly with Clearex solution until there is 20 – 40% runoff from the bottom of the pot. Resume regular feeding with your next scheduled watering.
Pre-harvest: Drench daily until 10 – 20% runoff is achieved from the container. Begin running this solution during the last 3 – 7 days before harvest during the ripening phase.
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